Friday, May 27, 2011

Poetry and Harold Bloom

My children have to read and memorize poetry; Susan Wise Bauer and her mother, Jessie Wise strongly recommend the activity in their book, "The Well Trained Mind." But, Harold Bloom and his "The Anxiety of Influence" strongly influenced me when I was going through school; in a way, I have always wanted to study like him--the work rather than the biography and I have always encouraged my children to read poetry, to try to understand it and to always appreciate it. Here is a link to video distributed by the New York Times; it is an interview between Mr. Bloom and Mr. Sam Tanenhaus, the editor of their weekly edition of their "Book Reviews" section.

To support their work, I would suggest purchasing an edition of The New York Times or, in Canada, buying the Sunday edition of The Toronto Star.

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