Thursday, March 24, 2011

Free (?) Education

A good society, in the traditional sense, offers education to its citizens to make sure its democracy is composed of informed voters. Sure there are other acceptable reasons to have an educated populace, but I believe this reason is one of the most important. Having said that, it should be noted I am really beginning to rethink this independent education strategy, not that I regret taking my children out of school, if anything I am more sure of the choice, but I am really beginning to look at the ways the institutions of education are evolving and the choices and responsibilities parents are and are not making. Anyhow, something I think is a worrisome trend (with a quick note that the year I pulled my daughters out of school, I paid $700 in fees for 3 children under 12):

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Brilliant Way to Introduce History

Just found these videos on youtube...they are produced by the children's BBC station:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And, the Results of Testing Are...

A brilliant Diane Ravitch interview...remember the best way to teach a child to read is to read to them, not test them: