During World War Two, Walt Disney made American propaganda films that depicted the evil of Nazi indoctrination; it was done through the school system:
Here is a post justifying the free market economy and the right of libertarians to make choices about schools and the role of parent support, financially and otherwise, in education:
Then, here is a great speech by Noam Chomsky (because I love the guy) on the influence of school structure on freedom of thought:
Further criticism by Alvin and Heidi Toffler on how current school structures are not creating creative people and how the institutions themselves were originally modeled on factory ideals:
And, now two conclusions that reflect my worries. An ad from the New Brunswick board of Education:
Please note the ad. is long and well-put together and there is no voice over. Do you think they realized the importance of the old fashioned stand-by, reading, when they put this advertisement together and publicized it?
And, finally, a brief article from the Press Association about standardized testing in British Schools published in today's Guardian:
I don't know what summary type conclusion to make except there is still value in reading, the current school model indoctrinates children in whatever labour model is popular, schools are intentionally non-creative places and, if you choose to put your children in school, the best way to insure a school works is active parental participation. It strikes me that there is criticism of schools from all sides, right, left and middle; the only thing everyone is sure of is that current structures are not working but no one has the ideal remedy.
My children read an average of 3-4 hours a day and we are currently not "schooling;" my point is the easiest way to begin to educate your children is turn off the t.v. and read to your kids or have them read to you. Even the illiterate can make up stories to go with pictures and that will help children learn to read and that act alone can insure academic success. But, it does have to be done every day. I don't know about all this technology in the school place. If children don't read, I cannot see how a computer reading for them helps them. Just my two cents.
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