Wednesday, December 29, 2010

An Interesting Article on Grading

University is not for everyone and that is okay; but, a society that demands everyone be university educated, in a sense, diminishes the value of such an education. Theoretical Physicists need advanced education; technical experts not necessarily. It is an uncomfortable topic when so much money and prestige is at stake--though, of course, if everyone has a degree, the prestige is not really there. Further, if the value of the degree is diminished, the corollary would be the value of the marks could also be diminished. Is an 'A' grade really an 'A' grade if everyone in the class gets an 'A'? It could indicate the marks are easily achieved and the material hardly difficult; it could mean there is no average person in the class; it could mean the marks are no longer worth what they once were. It is difficult to admit to any of these possibilities:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Educational Testing: 2 Articles Pro, 1 Video Con

Two articles on the value of testing within the school system. New York's new second in command is a former school Principal:

The second article is from the Guardian and discusses the impact of testing on school funding:

Then, a video by Sir Ken Robinson, which I may have posted before but is worth sharing again, which discusses the benefits, or lack thereof, of testing in a changing technological world:

Just some ideas to consider....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Education, Seriously?

This is why education and intellectual thought is not taken seriously:

No different than sports stars or rock stars who don't write their own music, Ms Roberts was paid 1.6 million dollars for the above commercial. How can intellectual curiousity develop when we live in a world where a smile on a coffee ad is worth 1.6 million dollars and a personal support care worker hardly makes a living wage and she has been trained to do her job?

source for info.: